It’s Juliet, actually. I’m 41 and I live in Pittsburgh. Some people call me Jules. My boyfriend calls me Jupe. My family calls me Julie.
But you can call me Jules. Only my boyfriend calls me Jupe, and Julie gets a hard pass unless we share a common ancestor.
I’m writing this blog for a few reasons:
- I’m an overweight pescatarian trying out the keto “way of life,” and I want to document my “journey.”
- Sidebar: I often go on journeys, for example: Whole 30, music production/performance, “running,” “caring for” plants, “knitting,” Weight Watchers, dating DJs, making my own chocolate truffles….and so on. This is my first time blogging about one of them.
- Since 2016, I’ve been terrified of sharing personal information online. I can’t quite get into the reasons why, largely because I don’t understand them myself. I’m hoping that by opening up in a small, controlled way, I can face that.
- I might be having a mid-life crisis. It’s fine. 🙂
- Pictured below: 1. Pensive driving through the suburbs of Pittsburgh, 2. Bulletproof coffee I drank this morning, 3. Thai shrimp salad from my Blue Apron journey, 3. Fried eggs and salmon bacon from my Whole 30 journey, 4. A recent picture, taken at a decent angle 5. A less recent pic, back when social media didn’t creep me out, 5. Some chubby kid in a paisley dress with plastic framed bifocals, who begged her family to call her “Julie”